Your IP address is |
Every webserver that receives a request from your browser is able to determine the IP address of your computer (or the proxy server of your ISP). |
Your browser accepts text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 |
Every webserver that receives a request from your browser is able to determine the ACCEPT information unless it has been removed by some software (e.g. firewall) before the request was trasmitted. |
Your USER AGENT information is CCBot/2.0 ( |
Every webserver that receives a request from your browser is able to determine the HTTP USER AGENT information unless it has been removed by some software (e.g. firewall) before the request was trasmitted. |
Courtesy of www.CheckMyIp.orgto determine your IP address and browser-related privacy vulnerabilities. Other services: Server Headers Check |